The effects of climate change can be seen and felt all over the world, from increasingly frequent extreme climate events, rising level seas, and melting glaciers… Furthermore, we are currently facing a tremendous global energy crisis, which makes the energy efficiency topic one of the most relevant themes of current social debates.
Having this topic into consideration, our ICN member CleantechAlps has just released its latest thematic dossier where it is presented the most relevant energy consumption sectors and the reduction potential that energy efficiency can bring to each of them.
This analysis is of extreme importance to a country like Switzerland which is heavily dependent on its neighbouring countries for its energy needs. In this CleantechAlps special report, it was developed an exposé of good practices and the practical, profitable solutions already available in Switzerland. It also becomes evident that Switzerland must rely on local solutions, and that it is partly thanks to digitalization that energy efficiency measures are already having a real impact in the country.
Click on the link to find more and read the full report.
CleantechAlps, Switzerland