InfoTiles enters Swiss market after winning one of the BlueArk Challenges
InfoTiles – a member of Nordic Edge – has won the BlueArk Challenge to provide a municipality in Switzerland with continual wastewater network monitoring to tackle inflow & infiltration (I&I).
The announcement was made today, 1st December 2022, at the Smart Water conference in Le Châble, Switzerland. The collaboration will be supported by BlueArk Entremont, ALTIS, and The Ark Foundation to facilitate further development and implementation of the InfoTiles solution.
The BlueArk Challenge
The BlueArk Challenge was a call for projects running from 15 September 2022 until 4 November 2022, which aimed to use innovative ideas and technologies to solve the various water management challenges facing professionals in the field, particularly municipalities and industrial services. To this end, a dozen challenges related to water supply, reprocessing, or resource optimization, were published on the BlueArk Challenge website.
InfoTiles was the only non-Swiss company to win the challenge. As Marco Westergren, chief analytics officer at InfoTiles says:
“As the only non-Swiss company to win this prestigious challenge, it gives InfoTiles an opportunity to develop the innovative software and apply it practically to help the municipality further understand and tackle its I&I challenges.”
InfoTiles Solution
InfoTiles provides an award-winning solution that correlates utility data (water, electricity, and heating consumptions) with public data (weather, Co2 footprint, and building information). The solution streams data across sensors, maintenance systems, and open data sources, allowing continuous real-time analysis and modeling. It enables decision-makers to act – and improve sustainability and cost-effectiveness at the same time.
Through machine learning and AI, InfoTiles’ digital solution will help the Swiss municipalities to continuously monitor the wastewater network and detect and understand when and where I&I occurs. The platform also uses existing SCADA and GIS systems to process and analyze real-time hydrological, meteorological, and asset data. This solution enables proactive and intelligent management of I&I challenges in the wastewater system.
The InfoTiles digital software technology will be further developed and implemented in collaboration with the Swiss municipality and BlueArk Challenge with the aim of rapid development of scalable applications.
As well as being awarded €10,000 for further development, BlueArk Challenge will provide InfoTiles with infrastructure test sites, validation reporting, and on-going support. When successful, InfoTiles will also have its digital technology marketed in Switzerland through this collaboration.
ICN has shared this challenge on its ICN solutions platform, making this a concrete example of how ICN can facilitate access to different markets and ecosystems throughout its entire network.
Well done InfoTiles!
For further information click here.