International Cleantech Network
ICN’s network consists of 22 clusters on 4 different continents. The ICN clusters are typically based on a triple-helix structure, meaning that their membership consists of companies (primarily SMEs), public authorities, and research institutions. This ecosystem consists of 130+ public authorities, 120+ knowledge institutions and 16,000 SMEs.
Knowledge exchange is a core part of the ICN’s value. It is optimized through thematic focuses in ICN operations and can be used as a tool to grow into new regions through capacity building of candidate member organizations.The ICN provides a unique platform that allows members to engage in project discussions with other clusters in order to form or join a project consortium.
Thematic Groups
Thematic groups such as energy and water specialize on event identification and webinar establishment so that specific insights can be disseminated.
Cluster to Cluster Meeting
Annual Meeting
Ready to become a member?
The ICN is always looking for new cleantech clustersfrom around the world to join the network. If your cluster is interested in joining do not hesitate to reach out.
Our Members
The members of ICN are characterized by their public-private setups which involves SMEs and other stakeholders from various industries such as water, circular economy and energy. Together, ICN clusters mobilize a large breadth of cleantech ecosystems. ICN’s 22 members meet on a regular basis, have personal relationships and mutual trust and confidence, all of which are key to the organization’s activities. These members represent the world’s leading cleantech regions, connecting thousands of organizations consisting of businesses, public authorities and research institutions.